Since I started my photography course back in September, I had been looking forward to this shoot! I had seen some images from the past students and the Glamour Shoot really looked cool!
As early as October, I was already thinking about who I was going to use for my model. I knew I wanted someone who 1. looked amazing and 2. knew how to move and model. After asking Josée to be my model for another project (see this post), I just knew she would make a great model for this glamour shoot. Josée just knows how to use her body and her face to make great photos!
When we started the shoot, I took a few shots just so she could get comfortable and used to the camera. After about 10 shots, I already had at least 2 or 3 great photos that I could have used for my project! So the rest of the hour was spent shooting different pics just for fun. I ended up with over 100 AMAZING shots! Here are some of my favourites that I decided to show you!
This one could tottaly be a Cover Girl ad!
Thanks Josée for coming by the studio and being my model! I know I told you a hundred times already, but you did an amazing job! 🙂
JanieWOW!!! Super belles photos.
MarysePhilip, t’es photos sont super belles!
J’aime le fait que tu prends le temps de conserver la grandeur,
ça embellie les photos! Beau travail!